Strengthening IG Metall's Brand Communication

That’s the look

The IG Metall Mittelhessen was in search of a modern key visual to further enhance its public positioning. The key image should represent the industries in the region. Alongside this, a new PowerPoint master and Word template were to be created. The challenge was to develop a modern and audience-targeted design.

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Together with the client, we identified the key industries and their symbols. Subsequently, we examined typical products of metalworking companies. This led to a collection of typical patterns, color palettes, and shapes. Armed with this knowledge, K16 entered the design phase.

In the final iconographic key visual, the IG Metall Mittelhessen, its five key industries, and the region were highlighted. We integrated the visual core into the Word template and PowerPoint master. However, for this project, we aimed for more: a comprehensive campaign emerged, incorporating various advertising and communication tools to illustrate how the key visual could be utilized in everyday contexts. The additional effort convinced our client - in a subsequent project, we implemented further measures of the campaign.

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