Digital Brochure on Energy Saving for the German Football Association
It's a guideline. But it is appealing.
The German Football Association project team "NKI: Climate Protection in Amateur Football – Together on the Path to a Climate-Friendly UEFA EURO 2024" required a digital brochure and posters to provide short-term action recommendations for the economical and efficient use of energy to amateur football clubsg

The brochure organizes the measures into the categories of electricity, water, room temperature, and mobility. The indicated saving potential from tips such as "setting the optimal temperature for refrigerators," "using water-saving shower heads," or "lowering room temperature" demonstrates that even small actions can have a significant impact.

The action recommendations are presented memorably with individual illustrations and icons, making them easy to grasp in the brochure's varied layout. Three tips are provided to the clubs as posters for self-printing. This way, club members can also actively contribute to climate protection.