Marktpilot PowerPoint Investor Pitch Deck
A presentation to convince
Marktpilot offers transparency in the market for spare parts in plant and mechanical engineering with its Price-Radar. For the first time, competitors, prices, and delivery times can be automatically, currently, and internationally compared using the software. To attract investors for the startup, marktpilot needed a pitch presentation that showcases the company's facts, strategy, and growth potentials, the benefits of the product, and references in a concise design.
Our client provided a high-quality content document containing all essential information in text form, including initial impulses for the graphical representation. Our task was to implement the content clearly and creatively to reflect the innovation of the Price-Radar in the design. Therefore, we executed the presentation iteratively and dynamically in close exchange with the client.

Our creation reimagined the slides graphically and processed the content into concise, precise representations, diagrams, and charts. To capture the core theme of transparency, the radar motif and clearing fog serve as visual metaphors for the product and animated design elements for the presentation.